A posh jewellery store in the heart of Kuwait, AlArbash Modern Jewellery is one of the top providers of exquisite, luxurious and refined jewelries. Being selected to produce the blueprints of one of their establishments is a major challenge because we must come up with a design solution that must be at par with the stature that the company already has. We had several brainstorming sessions to come up with the best ideas that best fit the company’s image.
Beginning with the materials, marble was used for majority of the walls. A polished marble signifies strength, stability, purity and immortality. Small touches of chrome strips show a subtle reflectivity that softens and balances the solidity of the marble walls. Wood was used to add balance to the interior, signifying growth.
Altogether, it was an enormous challenge and a victory for the entire design team having received praises from the client and their patrons.
The office concluded the project with Municipality and KFD permitting, tender documents preparation, interior design, project management and supervision.